I remain kind of obsessed with stories about how the pig butchering industry works. This one is mostly focused specifically on how the folks often committing those scams are essentially prisoners and slaves, held in captivity with no choice if they want to survive. Truly a messed up system, even by criminal standards.
(Gift link to wsj; when I tried to use archive.is here, it only gave me the one-paragraph recap.)
Wow. I never considered this possibility. I just assumed they were people who needed work and were aware they were scamming people but didn't care because they were immoral.
The saddest part is that there are so many vulnerable people out there susceptible to these scams, enough to create a whole industry. Very sad commentary on society and how many people don't have fulfilling relationships
Yeah, it's one of those ugly things that gets even uglier the more you learn about it.
I wonder if it’s just me that the link can’t open or does everyone have the same problem?