At first just look at this picture:
And this happened to my pocket when I took a couple times public transport. There's no chance to pay with Google pay, they want cash to avoid taxes and control. Ok, you give them paper banknote and as change get lots of worthless coins. Literally, there isn't a thing you can buy with single coin.
In most cases I try to pay with card or Google pay to avoid metal in my pockets. My friends know how I hate cash but they still don't know how I like lightning network.
Let's get back to the picture. People hate coins not because they inconvenient but because they worthless. Each of these coins still has value around 20-200 sats and I'd be happy to grab these sats, however when I hear or see coins in my pocket all what I want is to throw it away.
I really hope my country soon will adopt Bitcoin and "coins in the pocket" nightmare will be ended.
Have a good day pals and let's stack cheap sats while we still can.
This is a terrible take, for a bitcoiner
Cash is king. We need to support cash. Why are you supporting banks? And giving power to google? These companies are doing the right thing by accepting cash.
Don't worry about coins, inflation will put an end to them soon.
Thanks for your opinion. I hope inflation will bring the end to coins, cause atm they only increase my weight
I normally just tip the coins or find ways to get rid of them, they are really annoying indeed but I prefer using cash whenever I could, LN > cash > cards.
I really hope my country soon will adopt Bitcoin and "coins in the pocket" nightmare will be ended.
you don't need to wait for that, be the change.
In most cases I tip these coins to kids or relative, have empty pockets in the morning and when I come back home in the evening pockets contain lots of new coins
A while back (like 20 years ago) I never had a problem with coins. For every cash purchase I made, I would make a point of getting out my coins first, and using those, and THEN the bills. I never ended up with too many coins, it's just a matter of getting rid of the coins you have, FIRST. A tiny bit of discipline. If they give you coins, they have to take them.
Now that I'm trying to use cash more, I'm doing the same. And it's not a problem.
I agree with the below poster. When you can't use lightning, use cash as much as possible.
The fact that you can't buy things at the price covered by coins is more of an inflation problem.
Cash is needed in society. It's the only method that works reliably and is private.
It sure has its cons, but its pros are great, specially for small amounts.
What country are those coins from?
Not that I'd know, otherwise, but the google reverse image search is very powerful.
i dont like thinking about this tbh. money should not come with any uncertainty. Its supposed to just work and you are supposed to be able to trust it. but it seems we are in flux right now.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 29 Jul
I hate heavy coins too. When I was a teenager I threw them into a bucket and every 6 months or so took them to the bank and exchange for notes. Now lightning would be a better solution, but who will trade worthless coins for a few sats?
If I had over here a machine to exchange coins to sats - it'd be a miracle
As other people point out in the comments:
LN > Coins > Cash >>>>>>>>>>>> cards.
With the coins at least you have some metal or a combinations of metals, cash is king.
LN - is the king, everything else is inconvenient things for me