money printing is the production of a good
Everyone has the right to manufacture goods
Everyone has the right to print money?
And most Americans have no idea about dollar debasement, they think prices are rising due to the greed of evil CEO's, at least that's what their tv family and friends are telling them.
Similarly, if you store your wealth in potatoes, thinking they will retain their purchasing power, and suddenly someone opens a potato farm and floods the market with those things, you don't scream you're a victim of extortion or robbery.
If my potatoes aren't holding their purchasing power and I don't see any other potato farms........and they convince me through commercials that the problem is with the air, and that we need more air regulation.......I've just been scammed.
Everyone has the right to print money?
No, and I said it's one difference. But it's an irrelevant one. The problem with fiat is not that someone can print it, but not everyone. The problem with fiat is that someone can print it at no cost. Because if they can do that, they will, which precludes it from being a SoV.
And most Americans have no idea about dollar debasement, they think prices are rising due to the greed of evil CEO's, at least that's what their tv family and friends are telling them.
What most Americans think is solely their responsibility.
If you've recently heard a government official state officially that dollars are still backed by gold and decided to hoard them as a result, then yes, you've been scammed.