Which countries adopts it?
Is not about countries to adopt it. The whole point of Bitcoin is to get rid of central banks (and fiat banks in general). Separation of money from state. Countries "adopting" Bitcoin is useless. More important is when more merchants accept it directly (not through 3rd party services that convert immediately the BTC into fiat). Once the Bitcoin circular economy it started, then all the house of cards of fiat is falling down. But this will take time. And I think more than 5 years.
How it integrates into daily lives?
I've been in Bitcoinlandia from 2012 and I've seen a lot of changes. All are slow changes and in special only when users are well educated in this matter. All depends on education. If users are well educated about Bitcoin, then it will be everywhere in their life.
Where is it really used and how?
I already live using only BTC from many years ago. It all depends on users willing to use it as money and his close "environment", convincing friends, merchants to accept it.
Whats your take on it?
Patience, we won already, we only have to educate more nocoiners... to be good users. Bitcoin and Lightning Network are still young, in early phases, we have a lot to develop to be at the same level as fiat system is now. But as I said... without good users education, is useless to have great apps and solutions. Just look at how many shitcoiners still exist today...