Choosing a career is a very important junction in our life. It's one thing that should be attempted according to our interests but there are very few who end up doing what they initially loved to. The reasons for choosing a different career may vary hugely and it may be financial to personal or physical or many others.
For now, if you've missed upon your natural interest/talent to replicate in your work, just tell SN, what would have been your primary choice of career if you could go back in your life and be in your 20s or 30s once again?
The same what you're/you've been doing35.7%
A sportsman14.3%
A Singer7.1%
A politician7.1%
An Actor7.1%
An MMA Fighter0.0%
A Stand-up comedian 0.0%
A DJ0.0%
A Monk7.1%
Other (The comment box is all yours)21.4%
14 votes \ poll ended