I think they are removing all animations associated with hashtags.
He had a chance to really do something great for Bitcoin adoption when then rolled out their ad revenue sharing model. He could have allowed users to choose to be paid in bitcoin and offered Bitcoin as a payment method for premium subscriptions but he didn’t. Now, I have a bit of a theory about that. I think using Stripe was a quid pro quo to some Wall Street/VC money guys that helped him finance the Twitter deal. Stripe investors were way offside from the last valuation.
In short, I don’t think Elon is bad for Bitcoin. He seems to have got past the FUD, but I don’t think he is good for Bitcoin either. He doesn’t seem to be willing to use his platform to advocate for Bitcoin despite commenting on how insane the deficits and debt are on occasion.
I'm torn. I respect his genius. I also like his anti establishment sentiment, though if you believe Whitney Webb he's been coopted by the dark forces.
Yeah I believe so too.