He's so frustrating. He will do something I admire, like the Taibbi opening of the twitter files. Then he'll turn around and ban/shadow ban accounts he doesn't like.
Honey badger don't care. Musk is the honey badger. He does and says what he wants to, because he doesn't need to care what anyone thinks of him. Good for him.
My interest lies primarily in his actions regarding bitcoin, rather than his dealings with X.
No one is perfect. And I can't speak to Musk's overall character or intentions. But what other high profile billionaire is out there willing to talk openly against censorship and media manipulation as he is? For all his faults, I appreciate that he is calling attention to the bullshit permeating American media. I think that's a big part of why many people like him. Same thing with Trump. They're not perfect, but at least they're willing to go against the conventional narrative.
agree, let's not let perfect be the enemy of the good
We have real enemies not named Elon Musk