I hope so. I think a lot of people just haven't thought about it. I used to be for vouchers until I heard this argument.
It reminds me of how California "legalized" pot. What it did was create a regulatory framework for spying on people. The amount of regulation on that industry is absolutely Orwellian. Its absolutely absurd. And people celebrate it like it was some massive win.
Its why there is still a massive black market for pot. Anyone what wants privacy has to continue to be a criminal.
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On pot legalization, the most interesting state was Alaska, because it was already fully decriminalized there. When the state legalized it, there were a bunch of new taxes and regulations, but not much expansion of freedom.
Its a good thing to think about in the context of Bitcoin and "regulatory clarity".
Government approval is a double edged sword.
I always loved the way Ron Paul would put it. What business is it of the government what I put into my own body? A very conservative Christian man that probably never used pot in his life.