If you find the description of a recession tendentious, then you are in for a big surprise in the next few years.
But let me ask you another question: instead of spreading accusations here, can you derive anything positive from the eurozone economy? show me what's going well these days
If you find the description of a recession tendentious, then you are in for a big surprise in the next few years
bears have predicted the last 10 out of 2 recessions. They happen every few years - you're not giving any insight whatsoever acknowledging that it will someday happen
can you derive anything positive from the eurozone economy? show me what's going well these days
Nice trap you're setting up there
We're dominating in aviation industrials. Mistral can almost keep up with american AI companies despite draconian overregulation. All cutting edge chips in the world are made with ASML lithography machines - literally a monopoly in one of the most important industries on earth. The CAC40 is at all time highs. The DAX40 is at all time highs.
It's by far not a rosy picture overall. But of course "anything" positive exists. "anything" is a low bar
if you are seriously presenting me with stock indices as the state of the real economy, then you are just showing that you are conflating liquidity aspects with real economic aspects. think about that point very carefully and think about what we are all writing here about liquidity and central bank policy
Are you saying money isnt worth the paper it is printed on?
Mmmmmh yeeees