I am an electrician by profession with a major in computer science, my degree is valid in my native country Venezuela... but I have already been a migrant or established in Lima Peru for 7 years... at first I took on many masonry jobs or why not I have also laid tiles or ceramics and Yes, it is a tedious, annoying and boring job and obviously, since I was new, I had a boss on top of me telling me that the ceramics had been crooked or crooked all day long... it is not easy at all to have the pressure of someone who wants everything to be perfect and who also be the job that you have at that moment and your family depends on it... you... and your food for the day... until I managed to be taken into account as an electrician... and I advanced a little further because they paid me a little more ...but the truth is, jobs where there are so many bosses or supervisors constantly and all the time are not easy...
I was an electrician and went to school for computer science as well. 🤔 I also spent some time in Peru. Thanks for your share and perspective.
Thanks for sharing your experience