BitcoinOS can enable rollups for unlimited scaling and functionality on Bitcoin while keeping the base layer decentralized, secure, and “boring,” devs say.
They dumped on Lightening Network big time to....
“The Lightning Network was, unfortunately, a very overhyped scaling solution,” said Edan Yago, core contributor to BitcoinOS, to Decrypt. “As a technology, because it’s pre-funded, and because you need to hop between multiple players, it is only appropriate for a very small number of niche applications.”
It is odd to me that somehow you were able to post the same article as me though lol
Lol! I mean no hate to the person but I found it funny since we used the same site and everything! I thought there was a mech. to catch dupes but I guess it is either outta service or has some areas that need to be worked on!
I simultaneous posted once before. It can happen when you are very fast, it's two people and within the refresh the lottery gets one of the other.
I frankly am amazed that Stacker works at all. Mostly it does things well. Maybe a volunteer to retract if one discovers an accidental duplicate. Or maybe you found a bug.
It's up to each stacker