I was thinking about a way to implement a form of reputation based toll for being off topic in a territory.
The outcome I want is to make it more expensive to post your next post. Regardless of what you might want to post. A fine, for your last post's off-topicness.


1 - Increase post cost to say, Pc (Eg. 5K sats), and let Pt (Eg. 180 sats) be the target posting cost. So, Pc >> Pt. And so, let R be the rebate you're entitled to for honest behavior. R = Pt - Pc. 2 - If any of the following are true, you get 50% of R back, up to a maximum of R.
  • The number of stackers who upvoted your last post is greater than 20% of the avg # of stackers who upvote in that territory.
  • Your last post is not down-zapped at all.
  • The top-upvoted comment to your last post doesn't start with the complete exact string. "This post is off-topic".
Interesting idea