Both Republican and Democrat presidential candidates are set to make an appearance at the 2024 Nashville Bitcoin Conference. Politicians are trying to use Bitcoin in an to sway voters. But the reality is, their presence at the conference is just a bait to fool people into voting for them. As the saying goes, "once a politician starts talking, they're lying".
The truth is, Bitcoin is the true money for the people, not the politicians who are just looking out for their own interests. While they may try to talk the talk about adopting Bitcoin, it's clear that they are only after votes and power. Politicians wouldn't like true money because it takes away their selfish control over the financial system.
Don't be fooled by the politicians at the Nashville Bitcoin Conference. Always remember that, "once a politician starts talking, they're lying".
Would love if some representation of the population among us who does not vote could be shown to the politicians somehow. I think they would get a kick out of that.