I missed this earlier today. Man is this guy hitting the nail on the head.
I'm not sure journalists were as clueless as he says but many if not most Biden supporters are. But, to be fair there is no way all of the reporters are in on some cabal. The answer is much simpler. You see it when these "journalists" or "reporters" change networks. They suddenly adopt different opinions. They are just mouth pieces. They say what they are told to say and don't say what they aren't supposed to say. That was what made the coverage of the debate so fascinating to me. It was my assumption that most of the talking heads knew Biden was in rough shape. But their bosses told them to go ahead and get the knives out.
The rank and file and many independents though. They are being tricked. I have a good friend that is troubled by Christians that support Trump. I was trying to explain the reasoning to him. One thing I told him was the mental condition of Biden is a big concern. And the Biden camp tries to play it off as a Trump conspiracy theory. He wasn't aware of how bad Biden was.
For years when my progressive friends open the door, and this isn't very often. I will try to make them see that they are being played just like the other party is doing. Its sad that one side can see how the other side is being manipulated and lied to but they are blind to it on their own team.
So many are being played as fools. I think many Bitcoiners are falling into this trap now. I'm not a Trump hater but don't put your hope in this guy. He's gonna let you down.
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