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She said everything to make the youth fall in love with her however she for the most part has really failed to deliver on what she promised
Isnt that all politicians?
100000000000000% right but she plays the "I am normal I am not like them" card. However she is now like them and doesn't want to admit it.
She thinks she doesn't make enough either.... she makes 175k a year... I make 60k.... we both live in DC and she even lived in my apartment complex for a few years...
Yeah, I saw that from a mile away when she first started. She has always complained about her benefits. Which is interesting, since I think she was the one that said they make too much when she first started.
Yeah... If I was in it for the money I would have quit my job already but I love who I work with and the work we do. AOC in person is a great lady and super nice. I work on the House Bipartisan AI Taskforce and one of the first meetings we had I embassed the hell out of myself slamming the shit out of my hand in the door and she came up to me immediately and checked in on me and wanted to make sure everything was okay.
Stuff like that is really nice to see. Her policy though and what she is targeting I do not agree with at all.
I will also give her credit where it is due and since the Taskforce has been created she is one of the top members who I can tell has spent time learning about the technology. Her questions have evolved and in our briefings she will ask questions based off of what has been discussed not questions that are obviously prewritten. So credit where credit is due
Eventually the environment affects you as a person. Give it a few more years and maybe she will turn into the next pelosi?