Fold's strategy shows very well how it will work out for CBDC's. It won't be called CBDC's, it will have the same surveillance features and people will jump on it for getting fiat rewards. Coercion (i.e., stick) belongs to the past, voluntary slavery uses the fiat carrot instead and people think this is freedom
Bullshit crap. Another way to fool people...
Darth buddy ya gotta stop hating on progress my man... The world isnt a light switch there have to be things to bridge the gap lol
sincerely fuck off gov agent You are the main reason the world is fucked up.
Man... thanks for giving me credit for this god like power that I def do not have! It would be nice though to idk make a normal living wage but I cant even pull that one off! Please teach me your ways!
My fold link is here is you are interested in signing up
I would remain cautious with Fold. I had the annual plus membership plan. They oversold the pay your bills with the PayPal feature. They made statements that they worked with PayPal to get the feature back, but then PayPal pulled the feature for most companies. I had no other use for the Plus membership.
If you plan to use the feature, go with the monthly plan. You'll pay a little more than the annual plan, but you won't feel ripped off if they nerf this program.
More ways of making money and earning rewards? Use more money, make more money. Dont you just come out poorer at the end?
Fold is a great tool to buy or pay for things and get your rewards in BTC instead of points or cash back. Getting BTC back and believing it will continue to increase in value kinda helps lock in the benefit!
Spending something that is infinite and getting rewarded for something that is finite is a win 100% of the time
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Cje95 24 Jul
Exactly how I look at it! I proudly use Fold and tell everyone who will listen to do the same because they have been around for 3 or 4 years at this point (honestly not 100% sure since I have used them for so long). I used them before they had the debit card and use only sold gift cards and they tell you not to hold your Sats on there and when you hit the withdrawal floor of 50k to withdraw them to cold storage. I shamelessly plug my referral link since for those who have never signed up before can get 20k stats through my link lol!
Interesting. I will have to keep this in mind for the future. Getting back BTC might be worthwhile.
20 sats \ 6 replies \ @Cje95 24 Jul
Yeah I have earned back over 3 million sats on giftcards I have purchased for places I am going to shop at... They have Amazon ones that while they only earn back 2.5% in BTC esp on Prime Day it adds up!
my strategy has been the same, but amazon card gets 5% back
It adds up if you buy things. Lately I have not wanted much.
20 sats \ 3 replies \ @Cje95 24 Jul
Exactly! If you havent signed up for Fold yet here is my referral link and if you sign up with it and get the free debit card (I don't even use it tbh) you get 20k sats
I will give it a look see. :)
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 24 Jul
I know a lot of people dont plug their referral links on Stacker but ya know 20k sats for signing up isn't to bad lol!
i would be skeptical of fold as they have continually changed rewards and migrating things like bill pay to an always changing platform can be a royal pain. same with direct deposit etc.
i personally only use them for gift cards
There changing rewards has been something they have had since day one. Sometimes they get a lot better even. Changing platforms is also super common given that the industry is consistently changing with pathways that once existed being shut down and Fold adapting.