I wrote about it a while ago, so resharing now that Lightning Labs had their big release.
What I described is literally the path that the world will take to hyperbitcoinization and hundreds of billions in profits will be made by the companies that implement these concepts and facilitate the transition to a Bitcoin standard.
Up, up, up, up.... And then, one day, no more fiat -- there is a foggy / blank spot in nearly every bitcoiners mind around that. That fogginess leads to fear, and for many people that fear leads to denying that hyperbitcoinization will ever occur or claiming "not in our lifetime."
I elucidate the fundamental mechanism by which the transition occurs and when you get it, whether now or in 3-5 years when it finally becomes the "hot thing" influencers talk about it, it will be TOTALLY CLEAR. It is a bit like when bitcoin clicks, but a tad trickier.
Now, maybe it will not be with Taproot Assets, but the fundamental economic principles are correct. Austrian Economics is like General Relativity, but hyperbitcoinization is like a black hole -- there are quantum effects. I figured out how to reconcile all these things where Austrian logic breaks down in the transitionary singularity of sorts we are approaching.
By definition this is incorrect
There's bitcoin and shitcoin
TapAss isn't Bitcoin, therefore is shitcoin
Doesn't make it bad, if people want to shitcoin they can route across our Lightning nodes and pay us for it... but it doesn't add anything to the user beyond what SQL would... more crypto nonsense
Centralized assets don't benefit from decentralized infrastructure
Fuck off, you are a shitcoin retard. Shitcoin retard justin_shocknet is not a bitcoin, therefore he is a shitcoin by his own rule. Maybe you should turn yourself off? Fucking idiot
You're next slightly less retarded statement is also very retarded. The internet is decentralized and it has been extremely useful for centralized assets that. Dumb motherfuckers not knowing what companies or stocks are, or international trade for that matter 🤡🤡🤡
Platitudes like that are why I failed to get into bitcoin in 2011. My platitude was "everything can be hacked" and obviously, my notion was misapplied.
Ironically, by broadening your definition like this YOU ARE HELPING SHITCOINERS, idiot.
You sound like you save in ECash
You sound like a wagie who has never entered into any sort of trade agreement beyond your own labor. You are a pod person slurping up soy who probably can't even deadlift his own bodyweight!
You sound like a LARPer who worships Saylor and Jason Lowery 🤡🤡🤡
You are the sort of person so retarded that shitcoiners feel morally ok robbing.
You sound like you are naked in the woods because you sold the shirt of your back for sats.
No one saves in E-Cash, you live in a fantasy world that doesn't exist and are the reason people think bitcoiners are retarded.
I can already tell that the level of discourse will be childish
Don't get drunk with water. people are dumb and will always try to scam each others.
LL's intentions are OK with TapAss, people with brains will understand the meaning of creating these assets over LN. And make sense, even that are a direct competitor to RGB. TapAss are mainly useful for real companies assets, like you said, billions will flow into this, no doubt. But the idiocy of shitcoiners will "infect" all these good intentions and will fuck up everything.
I stand my ground saying, so no, these TapAss will not create that effect. Will only make more comfortable big companies, tokenizing their assets with LN. https://i.postimg.cc/zX2ZDQD1/vader-sovereign-adoption.jpg