Extremely retarded. A contract is not a shitcoin. Fiat and equities are real things and you understand nothing about the process of hyperbitcoinization -- perhaps if you could think more clearly, you could be a shining beacon that would help fewer people stray from the path of being human into shitcoinery.
By your "logic" you must hate bitcoin too since various people are using bitcoin "natively" for shitcoining. 🤡🤡🤡
By your "logic", where the tool exists separately from the space of all possible usage, you must be in bitcoin for the "blockchain technology" and fail to recognize the uniqueness of bitcoin.
Maybe try giving yourself some dopamine hits without being retarded? Go outside, get some sunshine, eat a steak.
Irrational hatred of Blockstream
I hate Blockstream? Or are you saying that is why people don't like Lightning Labs?
not you
I meant to say many SN users hate Blockstream and any project associated with Blockstream
For example, some people think Blockstream is a public company. I asked him to provide a stock symbol... still waiting