the deeper this existing power structure falls into crisis, i.e. the economic crisis, the crisis of its credibility and the collapse of its narrative, the more brutal the pressure will become: the deeper this existing power structure falls into crisis, i.e. into the economic crisis, into the crisis of its credibility and the collapse of its narrative, the more brutally the media apparatus will strike back, somewhat to the grotesquely ridiculous, as we have seen, for example, in the defense of Joe bBden's intellectual capacity over the past few years.
sad but true...
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It will be a weird grotesque roller coaster ride where most of us continually want to puke...
45 sats \ 2 replies \ @fm 23 Jul
Some.. Some of us.. Many are oblivious to the surroundings..
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK 23 Jul
I think the number is growing. Or better: I hope so...
45 sats \ 0 replies \ @fm 23 Jul
i think we are still too few.. The media machine has large arms and an amazing brainwasher.. its amazing to see smart people regurgitating the offical media version