Being a public servant there is very very little she could negotiate for in a severance. The only thing I can think of is health insurance coverage and what if any cooling-off period she would have before finding another job. Most of the stuff is already baked in when you take the job.
An interesting thing is that I cannot find anything about when her resignation goes into effect... most times when these people announce their resignation it has a set date in the future but with her... I cannot find if it was effective immediately or not
this territory is moderated
That latter part is part of what I was thinking. She could be done with the work/responsibility immediately, but still on salary (and insurance) for three or four months, etc. Plus at higher levels, there are sometimes intangibles (so if she has a car as a part of her position, she might maintain access for a period of time).
Yeah for sure. I am sure her resignation is something along the lines of her last day is either this Friday or maybe the week after.
Interesting. No golden parachute?