True, development goes slowly and right now Boltz has unfair advantage of a reduced Liquid fee rate. I hope in the future any PS node can do multihop and advertise it via gossip, so that wallets like Aqua and Breez have a choice.
Any Liquid federation member can support low-ball txns. This isn't specific to Boltz.
The last I heard was that the Liquid Federation still needs to formally approve it so it's enabled in liquidv1. Boltz does this as a beta test and mines his own transactions.
For all users. Federation members have early access. Ofc, they need to run their own nodes.
Not really. Elements Core last release is 23.2.1 from November 2023. Any info when the next release supporting CT discounts comes out?
100 sats \ 10 replies \ @roy 23 Jul
I said "for federation members". I know - we're running a node with lowball transactions. Public release afaik by EOY.
you said "For all users". peerswap nodes are disadvantaged.
I said you are right re "for all users", but federation members have early access and it's not specific to Boltz.
I just meant Boltz has an unfair advantage over PeerSwap. I tried building the latest Elements, mempoolinfo still shows minimal fee as 0.1.
Aqua uses Boltz for lightning payments which is a liquid to lightning swap