This is chapter 12 of The Penal Preserve, you may want to go back to Chapter 11 or start at the beginning.


Ross had not participated in the massacre, biding his time instead on the sidelines. But now he made his way through the dead and the feasting toward Rae. Ross saw that Rae was the true leader of the massacre. He beckoned to the nearby guards, who made a somewhat disorderly entourage, covered as they were with potato chips and flecks of whipped cream.
‘Guards,’ Ross said when they reached Rae. ‘This man is a true hero. Salute him!’
The noise of the massacre had brought Jane from her tree dwelling where she was writing. She was confronted with a scene of such carnage, she could not bring herself to believe it. But when she saw Ross marching across the field toward Rae, she raced down the ladder.
‘What have you done?’ said Jane.
‘He has saved our race from certain destruction,’ said Ross before Rae could answer. ‘What happened here today is nothing short of our salvation.’
‘They didn’t have any weapons!’ said Jane. ‘All they had was food.’
‘They had Alien things,’ said Rae, lifting up a lava lamp one of the Vacationers had brought to keep her gravy warm. ‘These kind of things threaten our unity. None of us is strong enough to resist them. They must be removed from the island.’1
‘You didn’t have to kill all these people!’ Jane stammered.
‘We have to get rid of it! We have to get rid of it all!’ Rae shouted. ‘We have no choice. Everything Alien—it has to be eradicated, just off the face of the Earth. It’s evil. It’s just evil.’2
‘Arrest him,’ Jane said to Ross.
‘Arrest him? He should get a medal for conspicuous gallantry!’3
By this time a large crowd had gathered around them, and they sent up a great cheer at Ross’s commendation. The clamoring continued for some minutes until Rae consented to address them. I have recorded here the traditional version of Rae’s speech, but there is no doubt it is much amended—Rae never was much of a speechifier.
‘My good friends,’ said Rae.4 ‘More than five years have passed since the unhappy day when the people of Earth lost touch with honor and freedom—and now we have almost lost everything.5 The Aliens landed on our planet and we did not try to fight them. Maybe the future won’t hold that against us. But we’ve become addicted to them and to everything they have to offer. We’re worse than a drunk with a wine barrel.6 And the future—if there is one for us—will judge us harshly for that. The Aliens have attacked the foundations of our whole human order. The things they’re selling us are changing our society, our morals, even our very nature.7 And we’ve all been going along happily, like little kids in a candyshop. This threat cannot be ignored. This threat cannot be appeased. Civilization itself, the civilization we share, is threatened.8 But a great people has been moved to defend a great nation!9 While it seems like the whole world has bowed down before the Aliens, on this little island, our little group of prisoners has had the courage to stand up and shout, No!
‘It’s not enough that we keep ourselves free from the Alien taint. We must ostracize anyone who supports the Aliens. No one can remain neutral in this fight.10 Those who use Alien things lose any right to be called decent people!11 There is no such thing as a good person who uses Alien things. No convenience, no advanced technology, no solution to social problems can ever justify the deliberate murder of our civilization.12 So I have the courage to recognize these people’s role in the process and to name them by name.13 They are Croakers. Those who use the Aliens things are Aliens as much as the Croakers themselves—they have to be rooted out, hunted down, and destroyed.14
‘Revive the human! Destroy the Alien! Revive the human! Destroy the Alien!’15
Soon, all the Penists were chanting along with Rae.
Chapter 12 tomorrow, same time, same place.


  1. The Jews must be removed from the German community, for they endanger our national unity. Joseph Goebbels, “The Jews are Guilty!” 16 November 1941
  2. We have to get rid of ISIS. Have to get rid of ISIS. We have no choice. Radical Islamic terrorism. And I said it yesterday—it has to be eradicated just off the face of the Earth. This is evil. This is evil. Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump and Vice President Pence at CIA Headquarters,” 21 January 2017
  3. For conspicuous gallantry and good conduct in action against hostile Sioux Indians, at Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota, while engaged with the Indians concealed in a ravine, assisting men on the skirmish line, directing their fire, encouraging them by example, and using every effort to dislodge the enemy. (Medals of honor.) J C Kelton, Adjutant General, by order of John McAllister Schofield, Commanding General fo the United States Army, General Orders No. 100, General Orders and Circulars, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant General’s Office, 17 December 1891
  4. My good friends. Joseph McCarthy, “Reply to Edward R Murrow,” See It Now, 6 April 1954
  5. More than fourteen years have passed since the unhappy day when the German people, blinded by promises from foes at home and abroad, lost touch with honor and freedom, thereby losing all. Adolf Hitler, “Proclamation to the German Nation,” 1 February 1933
  6. Never forget that the human race with technology is just like an alcoholic with a barrel of wine. Ted Kaczynski, “Industrial Society and Its Future,” 22 February 1995
  7. Bolshevism has attacked the foundations of our whole human order, alike in State and society, the foundations of our conception of civilization, of our faith and of our morals: all alike are at stake. Adolf Hitler, 14 September 1936
  8. This threat cannot be ignored. This threat cannot be appeased. Civilization, itself, the civilization we share, is threatened. George W Bush, “First Address to the United Nations General Assembly,” 10 November 2001
  9. A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. George W Bush, “A Great People Has Been Moved to Defend a Great Nation,” 11 September 2001
  10. It must ostracize any nation that supports terrorism. It must isolate any nation that remains neutral in the fight against terrorism. Rudy Giuliani, “Opening Remarks to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Terrorism,” 1 October 2001
  11. Those who practice terrorism, murdering or victimizing innocent civilians, lose any right to have their cause understood by decent people and lawful nations. Rudy Giuliani, “Opening Remarks to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Terrorism,” 1 October 2001
  12. Yet there is no such thing as a good terrorist. No national aspiration, no remembered wrong can ever justify the deliberate murder of the innocent. Any government that rejects this principle, trying to pick and choose its terrorist friends, will know the consequences. George W Bush, “First Address to the United Nations General Assembly,” 10 November 2001
  13. However, we have the courage to recognize their role in the process and to name them by name. Joseph Goebbels, “The Racial Question and World Propaganda,” 1933
  14. We just need to call them what they are—killers and fanatics who have to be rooted out, hunted down, and destroyed. Barak Obama, “State of the Union Address,” 12 January 2016
  15. 扶清灭洋. Boxer Uprising Slogan, 1899
Your footnotes are as interesting as the main plot. Definitely much food for thought!