I'm wondering about bitcoin security at the Secret layer.
With the emergent understanding of bitcoin as money and energy at the transnational level, there is a growing need for clarity within its future security operations. In my experience, in order to begin exchanging about the significance of the depths of InfoSec on this planet, one needs a framework for communicating attention to threat modelling at varying levels of human development.
I'm excited to offer this "humorously convoluted" draft mapping of a new human communications protocol for security professionals in the recent podcast episode "InfoSec Philosophy and Theory Series: New Comms Protocol".
It's set to a particular moment in time for the TLDR champions.
"This episode is a merging of several concepts into a practical working draft for improving human security communications. The presented sequence for alignment enables a receptivity of new intelligence. An exchange between varying levels of developed spheres allows for new InfoSec solutions to be accessed."
All this may fit into the fireside security philosophy fellowship of web applications entangled in the bitcoin network.
The episode may appear intellectual, and somewhat simple, but it is a practical guide for tuning into alternative dimensions in order to exchange about security. If you have questions on how to use this communications protocol as a tool, then the best way to receive answers is by trying to use the mapping to the best of your ability in order to connect with others.
Enjoy! It's serious but designed to be taken lightly.
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