I dont understand, what is wrong with prerecording?
Are you aware of whats happen?
The president was last seen 4 days ago. Then on sunday he dropped out of race via twitter....without even notifying his own staff...his campaign manager was on sunday morning talk shows saying "Biden is not dropping out" 90 mins before the surprise twitter announcement.
The signature on the letter of him dropping out doesn't match his normal signature....
There is so much suspicion / confusion over this that Fox News issued a "proof of life" request this morning. This was followed by "proof of life" request from republican members of the House....then to satisfy these concerns they released this phone call.
There is nothing wrong with a pre-recorded call, but given the circumstances a pre-recorded call doesn't really satisfy or calm the suspicion.
Maybe he made the decision himself? Without consulting others? I feel we as a people are trying to make it bigger than it actually is.
That doesn't fit with anything we had seen. He was adamant about staying in the race, to the point of yelling at his allies for suggesting he drop out. Also, he must have consulted at least one person, if he didn't write the letter himself or post it.
I dont know. I think we just need to wait. We are making this bigger than it actually is. He probably has had time to think it through, since he has been sick.
It would be fair to say that we might be making this bigger than it actual is. However, there's so much weirdness going on that you can't say that definitively.
There is some weirdness. But we also might be blowing it out of proportion. We need to wait and see what unfolds.