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Be interested to hear how people have gone about introducing Bitcoin to their serious long term relationships.
Until there’s a ring on it does plausible deniability matter the most?
If you’re like me and Bitcoin isn’t part of your personality talking about it only when it’s relevant makes sense, keep quietly stacking for your future.
How long did it take you to bring it up if she/he is not versed in how fiat money works let alone btc?
Did you tell your partner what your stack looks like? I’ve never shared to anyone what my stack is …
Love to hear your experiences and opinions
I told my wife I was getting interested in bitcoin, but I haven't made much of an effort to orange-pill her. Sometimes, I'll mention how bitcoin fixes this or that and I often tell her about interesting discussions here on SN.
From a finances standpoint, I just told her that saving in bitcoin is important to me and she had no problem with us doing some stacking alongside our normal finances.
Thanks for sharing, what would have been your response to (I’ve found common) scepticism in saving in Bitcoin? I’m 100% in Bitcoin so to be saving in fiat is a hard sell these days!
I don't know. We're pretty good about supporting each other. I also knew there would be skepticism, so I didn't push for more than I thought I could get.
I think you have to gauge the person. Some people just arent interested in finance, they just want to feel secure.
Truth, and sometimes you trust your partner for security. Just put the btc ticker on their home screen for ngu security haha
I dont think it is very important for your SO to know exactly what you invest in. If they are interested, wow. If they arent, just let it go. Trying to push bitcoin down their throat isnt going to do any good.
My SO is not interested in the topic of money, finance, economics. Ironically I think that would make her a great stacker because Bitcoin is how money should be, before corruption and over complication made it into this unapproachable dirty thing.
But I'm not interested in forcing my views on her. All in due time. She knows my opinions on, and the importance I give to Bitcoin and that's enough for me.
If Bitcoin goes to zero, she'll carry me. If fiat goes to zero, I'll carry her.
I like my odds.
I like this take And I like your odds sir. Thanks for sharing
tried to orange pill wife and her family at Xmas 2021…
they don’t need bitcoin yet so they don’t care.
stopped trying to orange pill after 2 years - it’s a massive turn off 😆
Most bitcoiners I have met in real life are male and chronically single.
I guarantee you your spouse will get orange pilled if she asks for a divorce. Or her divorce attorney will orange pill her.
Bitcoin? What Bitcoin? What addresses are mine again?
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.