Why? Why do you want to know? Regardless of what you believe if you are correct how does that change anything?
I grew up learning the arguments about the constitution. Here's what I've learned over many years of talking, debating, and arguing with people about government. Almost no one cares. They want what they want and are not interested in facts or evidence. They want their side to have power so they can force everyone to live in the way they see fit. They will mold the history and documents to match their desires.
One of the biggest mistakes conservatism used to fall into was debating the Constitution with those that want bigger government. It is fruitless. So why does it matter to you? If you just want to know the truth there is no shame in that but don't kid yourself. People do not let facts get in the way of their ideology.
This is why bitcoin is hopeful to me. It doesn't require ideological acceptance. It is a tech that works. It appeals to people's self interest. It appeals to greed. It appeals to truth seekers. It appeals to those that want freedom. Those that want sovereignty.
Democracy and Republic are little more than buzz words to most people. I suspect few can even define the words.
To answer your question... its not an either or. Its both and it doesn't matter.
Thanks for sharing your experience and insights. They tell me a lot, and it's really useful to hear and learn from it.
I still in the opinion that all these political is just a behavior anyway, one can be in one side or the other, or in the middle... but I'm personally glad I'm looking from the outside.