Like they didn't stop him like they were supposed to. Its far fetched to me but possible.
This already has happened. The first World Trade Center bombing that happened in 1993. The reason you no longer hear about this, was it turned out the FBI was deeply involved in setting it up. Was supposed to be a "sting that had gone wrong"
Emad Salem, an FBI informant and a key witness in the trial of Ramzi Yousef, Abdul Hakim Murad, and Wali Khan Amin Shah, stated that the bomb itself was built under supervision from the FBI. During his time as an FBI informant, Salem recorded hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers. In tapes made after the bombing, Salem alleged that an unnamed FBI supervisor declined to move forward on a plan that would have used a "phony powder" to fool the conspirators into believing that they were working with genuine explosives.
So they let them build the real bombs and then somehow didn't intercept it.....
I know its happened before. I just mean I think it might be far fetched with the info I've seen so far. The FBI has been using patsies for years with the "war on terror". Pretty well documented. The most recent one I'm aware of is the Governor Whitmer kidnapping plot.
Typically what the FBI appears to do is find some unstable and frankly not bright individual. Target them as someone that wants to do something bad. Then they engage, advise them, and even provide them with plans in some cases. Then as the event comes close the guide them into a decision point that can be construed to intent. Then they arrest the fool and it hits the news. FBI foils terrorist plot. The FBI then gets to show they are doing something productive. This goes a long way when the funding bills come up.
If that is what was happening here the FBI screwed up. If not, then maybe they wanted him to act and their plan didn't work out. That's a dark possibility.
Its strange how immediately after the failed attempt on Trump, they feebly mentioned that they "uncovered an iranian plot to assassinate trump". What an odd thing to say 2 days after a failed attempt.....makes me wonder....
Perhaps the goal was:
  • Kill trump
  • Throw RNC convention into disarray - get Nikki Halley / Pompeo ticket
  • Later release info to grieving public that Crooks was working with Iranians (and paid in crypto)
  • Rile up nation for a way to start war against Iran
Yeah, that's possible. Also possible since it seems to be pushed by JD Vance that it could just be hyping up the threat as a signal to the MIC.
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 22 Jul
Rile up nation for a way to start war against Iran
I highly doubt that. If anything Biden has been pussyfooting around Iran rather than actually defeating them. Israel just fucked up the Houthies by blowing up all most of their oil infrastructure. Biden is too much of a pussy to even do that.
There's plenty of reasons to destroy Iran. The Biden admin has been doing everything they can do avoid "escalation".
I think people mistakenly believe these evil men motives are always for war. I think often it is only the threat of war that is required to meet their goals. Sell arms to both sides. If you think about it, all out war is more risky. Better to make it long, drawn out and expensive.
I suspect Trump will increase military spending but be less likely to start any wars. He will be a mixed bag for sure.
On another topic, the war on terror was largely a scam. When I started seeing how bad the "terrorists" were that were being stopped by the FBI something occurred to me. There aren't that many people that have the desire, skill, and means to commit these acts. No where near the number we were led to believe. Its almost like they needed to explain how they could allow such an event as 9/11 to occur by exaggerating the number of terrorists.
I remember that bombing in 1993, it could have been a lot worse but a couple explosives didn't detonate properly