It's fascinating. I almost posted this in ~privacy because this will be the moment the public learns how perverse surveillance capitalism is.
Good point. Crazy that a random co-worker could potentially get embroiled in an investigation regarding the assassination attempt of a former President because their phone tracked them to a farm the week before. Maybe the dude just wanted to buy some farm fresh eggs.
One would think the public would have their eyes open but I'm skeptical.
Past examples of things that should wake people up.
  • Snowden revelations
  • Black Lives Matter movement
  • Covid19 monitoring
  • Jan 6
All of these events should have opened people's eyes. They did for a few but no where near a majority.
Covid19 pretty much sealed my belief that most people aren't reachable with facts and logic. They either just trust authority of follow the crowd. Do not waste your energy trying to open their eyes. Just live a fruitful life and be an example of someone that doesn't fall for the programming and doesn't get sucked into the fear machine.
Follow news only for the aspect of knowing when the storm is coming. Stop pretending you are a part of it.