Biden is 81, Trump is 78. If Trump wins he will be older by the end of the term than Biden was.
Would be funny if it would end in a Kamala vs Don Jr election.
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But Trump is in top shape as he proved... Brandon not so much. And Kamala... I have no words for that level of stupidity
Do you have grandparents in that age group?
I remember my grandpas health deteriorating rapidly one year in his 80s. In spring you wouldn't have guessed he was a day over 60. In fall we were questioning if they should look up retirement homes or organize some co-living with relatives
If you don't have grandparents in that age group, look up some 2016 videos of Joe Biden. It really is astonishing.
There is no guarantee that Trump declines during his term. And there is no guarantee that he doesn't.
I don't think Don Jr would lower the Republican chances in November. If that is why you're so insisting on it.
Why are we even talking about it. It's not going to happen anyway. It was just for fun throwing ideas around.