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Hate. Opposites are two sides of the same coin. Hate is the dark side of love. While love can push us towards bliss and connection, hate is tied to shame. It’s a shadow we must face to understand our disconnection from the world.
I like all the answers here. This is my interpretation from the Law of Polarities but I think love is so complex all of these arguments make sense.
Doesn't hate stem from fear though. I see fear more as a the polar opposite to love.
I do agree with that. Fear pushes us towards hate. It seems to me that fear and love can exist together, the more we let go of fear the more we can experience love. I think hate is what we transmute into love. And trust helps us to move in that direction, fear moves us the other way.
Makes sense. I feel like loving is our natural state. Love feels like nature and balance. You don't see hate in nature. But you do see fear. Interesting.
I agree. I don't think there is just one answer. It is just a word at the end of the day and we all have our own relationship with words. I do like to look at this as polarities though. And there is a shadow or opposite polarity to love. Whatever you want to call it.