As topic says, is there a thing such as connecting to to many Nostr relays? What number are you pushing to many at or what should be the max if any?
150 sats \ 0 replies \ @0xtr 21 Jul
It is, especially if you're on a metered connection with limited bandwidth. As @k00b mentioned in his comment, with the bigger relays you're probably going to download a lot of duplicates. I'd say something between 3 and 10 should be the good.
I'm on 21 relays.....
Wild Hustle goes hard
Yes, but I wouldn't know the limits. There aren't many relays and most of the ones we are all using are the same ones, so you'll download a lot of duplicates and not all clients cope well with many connections and all the data. I'd think 5 or so relays is probably the sweet spot.