#bluescreen You own nothing and you will be happy
It struck me right in the face!!! I was on Linkedin last week after the screens went blue globally!
I don’t own my linkedin data, my resume I don’t own my youtube channels, my videos, these followers I don’t own my gmail account and all these emails and documents in this google drive, these contacts I don’t own this Facebook data, these friends, posts I don’t even own this bank account, this fiat currency, these digits.
I own NOTHING. And you own nothing too!!
Let that sink in! Are you happy now?
I am not!!
I realize that for all these sites, these posts I’m putting in, the videos I’m sharing on linkedin, my linkedin resume, youtube channel, video posts… I don’t own any of them!!!
Neo you have been living in a fake world. Storyteller you too!
I got permission from my Linkedin, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and even my bank to use these systems.
They can switch me off instantly. The moment they like!!
And I can’t do anything about it!!! I have been entering my data, info and creativity in their plantation system, their matrix. And I got nothing.
So now the only thing I have is a plan. To exit the matrix.
A plan to move all my stuff and info and money off these systems!
To maybe even build my complete business, sharing my info via peer to peer!
Reducing the risk. The risk for another blue screen that is going to impact my life.
I own nothing but I’m happy now.
Let me know where you are
I posses my music, movies, and pictures on my own storage devices. I only use nostr and stacker for social. I watch YouTube but I don't upload there at all. I have a piece of paper that gives me claim to some property. My vehicles have open titles but are in my possession. I am working on living sustainably but I am not there yet. I keep my Bitcoin on cold storage that I possess. I still own nothing. No one does. But I do my best to take responsibility for what I care about.