I've multiple reasons!! 😉 Fun can be the biggest supplier! However, there are some Stackers that seem to be here 'Only for Sats' by just posting 100s of links on daily basis!
People who are getting engaged on posts or comments can have reasons but what about someone who only shows up with a link and starts finding another link to flood SN with links, links, links, and links.
I don't know but sometimes it irritates me to see lot of futile links with only one or two creative posts! I listened @k00b and @Car saying that 'who knows, may be this is the way? A right way?'
100 links a day? A right way? Not judging but just thinking about what may be his reason?
I post mostly links. I kinda follow the hacker news philosophy for that. The best science stuff comes from the experts in a specific field. I'm only an expert in one very small subfield, so i prefer reading articles by those other experts when it's not my area. Same applies for stuff outside of science...
I'm talking about those who post 100s of links. You've been genuine with your posts. At least you provide some context to the links!
I've muted a few of those people. Just getting the stuff I'm interested in. And occasional downzap to make everyone's experience better. To each their own :)