Day 176 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow, 16 pike; Total: 144 (Day 280 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 179 of 120+ pushups per day)
Listened to the new What is Money episode with Robert Edward Grant. Really fascinating stuff, still digesting most of it and will probably have to re-listen to it (with the video, as I listened to it on Fountain, obvs) in order to see the geometry and visual examples presented. Lots of great quotes as will, i.e.:
“The higher self is the conceiver; the brain is the receiver; your conscious mind is the perceiver. How you tune your heart will determine that perception.” ― Robert Edward Grant
One of the things I found interesting was that Grant considers judgement as the opposite of love. My thought was that it would be grief, i.e. the loss - or lack of - love. But from a "Christ consciousness" kind of perspective, judgement does make sense. Will have to meditate on this.
Was sort of entertaining to hear them discuss the meaning of the word "context" as well, haha. I've always considered it to be that the meaning stems from the environment, or from the frame of which anything is observed, or that "relationality is fundamental" as Breedlove said (summarizing the book "Heidegger, Neoplatonism, and the History of Being")
My original line for from years ago was: "sõna tähendus sõltub kontekstist sõna üksi pole midagi kuni ta on tekstis" which translates to: "the meaning of the word is dependent on the context the word alone is nothing until it is in a text"
PS. Greetings to all who attended the Bitkiwi X event today in Christchurch. Lovely to see some BTC meetups, enthusiasts and business ideas finding roots and hopefully a fertile ground to grow in this part of the world as well. I'll do my best to contribute to that 🤠