My wife wants me to set her up with a website. It's to promote her business idea. These days, is it better to do it using something like WordPress, wix or Squarespace, or is there any advantage to write it from scratch myself? If not, which service would you recommend?
It's up to you, if you want to manage her page, you can write it from scratch or use something like as a static site generator. it gives you a bit more freedom, but at the cost of complexity
if you want to minimize your involvement and let her manage it, use one of the providers. they are very noob friendly, and after the initial setup it's very easy to change or add content, which is probably the only thing she will care about
You could consider GitHub pages if it's mostly static content. I've enjoyed using it more than WordPress. Once I got the hang of it, it felt like making changes and adding content was much faster than with WordPress.
Does your wife or significant other use GitHub?
what's she selling? If she wants a store front, shopify is the easiest and best (pay for a premium theme)
It would be a service business. Kinda like a concierge service business... No need for Shopify functionality, just presenting the services to potential customers.