lntxbot isn't respecting the (turned off) MPP flag in the Muun invoice, and making MPP payments anyway.
Muun will add code to detect lntxbot's error, but make no mistake, this is not Muun's problem. They are just improving their wallet in response to the bad code on lntxbot's side.
The missing funds are returned to the sending node because of the problem.
MPP was used for years by all wallet apps. Muun is only now considering to "implement" it? MPP should be used by default for all LN apps. LOL why this shit app is still named as "LN wallet" anyways?
MPP is supported in Muun, and has been. Muun gives control to the invoice creator to DISABLE MPP payments for a particular invoice. This is part of the standard that lntxbot is ignoring.