I asked AI what was going on and that's what I got.... :-)
In a world where servers crash and burn, Today's CrowdStrike outage took a turn. A lesson learned, a tale to tell, Of Microsoft's OS ringing the death knell.
Oh, how the careless trust in vain, A system prone to endless pain. Production dreams now dashed and frayed, By blue screens and patches, forever delayed.
"Switch to Linux!" the wise ones cry, Where stability reigns, let troubles fly. No more the heartache, no more the dread, Of waking to find your server dead.
Let this be a beacon, a guiding light, From today's dark outage, emerge in the right. Choose wisely now, embrace the new, Linux awaits, strong and true.
... well, maybe there is lesson somewhere n there... (naa, they gonna keep using that crap forever)...lol