At the time of the pandemic many things came to light and opened many minds and understandings... in which I personally include myself generalizing the left or rather the politics of the left has always been deceptive, they rely on their radical discourse to bring together masses and use and manipulate them at will in things that make sense or that allow those same politicians to perpetuate themselves in power without going too far, such is the case of my native country Venezuela, 30 years of consumerism or rather narco-communism... with a society divide in half a country divided in half... more than 6 million migrants around the world... and an inflation whose numbers are infinite... for that country, like Cuba or Nicaragua, it has been the worst thing that has ever happened ..
There have been some great posts from Venezuelan’s on this platform describing the stark reality of living under the political system there. It has been a real eye opener for me. Thank you. 🙏
You should verify my statements about Venezuela