TV, Netflix, YouTube, TikTok, etc all count.
Less than 5 hours40.0%
5-15 hours20.0%
15-40 hours40.0%
More than 40 hours0.0%
10 votes \ poll ended
I sometimes listen to videos like podcasts so I'm not counting those because they're largely in the background or the screen is off. On rare occasion I'll need to see what they're pointing to or showing on their screen. Other than that, throughout the year I average maybe an hour a day watching videos, they require too much attention.
Whatever it is it feels like too much.
Fortunately I’ve gotten back in a reading habit which generally cuts it in half.
Any books you'd recommend?
It kind of depends on the audience. My reading is super specific to what I want to learn.
Right now I’m reading Build by Tony Fadell and I’d recommend it to anyone interested in building tech products.
Stop judging me