Finally finished syncing my bitcoin node, now its time to throw Lightning on top, I was wondering what is the difference between "Lightning Node" and "Core Lightning" , and which one should I be using?
Core Lightning is an implementation of Lightning Node. Lightning Node is the machine that routes LN txs.
There are many other implementations of LN such as LND, CLN, LDK, Eclair & ln-kmp. All of them are expected to be at least compliant to BOLTs specs but some implementation have more features than others.
what is would be considered the best choice to run on your node? or which is most popular?
LND is currently the most used LN implementation.
Both are lightning node implementations, but "Core" Lightning is an affinity scam using the Core name... it used to be called C-Lightning but then they pivoted to cloud (greenlight) and probably didn't want people to think it was Cloud Lightning