My name is Greg Walker and I'm 35 years old.
I first used Bitcoin in 2013 and I thought it was really cool. I couldn't believe that it actually worked, and I wondered why a system like this hadn't existed before.
So I started looking in to how it worked. And that's how all this began.
I started work on this website in 2015 to try and explain how Bitcoin works in a way that everyone can understand. I think it's an incredibly useful technology, and if it's going to become used by more and more people, I think everyone should be able to understand how it actually works if they want to.
So this website is my attempt to explain how Bitcoin works, how to use it, and how to work with it as a programmer (if you want to).
Good luck.
Where do I start? This website is split in to four sections:
  1. Beginners – Simple explanations of how Bitcoin works and how to use it.
  2. Technical – Technical explanations of how Bitcoin works for programmers.
  3. Tools – Tools for working with raw Bitcoin data for programmers.
  4. Explorer – A basic blockchain explorer that allows you to look at raw Bitcoin data.
If you're completely new to Bitcoin, start with How Does Bitcoin Work?
If you want to start actually using Bitcoin, check out the guides in the beginners section. This section also contains further explanations on how Bitcoin works in as simple terms as possible.
If you're more interested in the technical side of things and want to start creating your own tools for Bitcoin, check out the technical section. This contains more advanced explanations in to the internals of Bitcoin, but I've tried to keep them as straightforward as possible.
But ultimately, you can start wherever you want.
This is a great resource.
Someone showed me this in 2021
I've noticed that other stacks have already shared it here on SN, but it's never enough to share good content. I liked it mainly because of the simulators, fantastic.
This website is a rabbit hole! Thanks for sharing it.
It's a great resource, thanks for sharing. For those of us who are learning it is always good to find these gems. and have more good information to read!
Amazing! I like the site very much! This is great learning resource!