The provided link leads to a section of Sequentia's white paper discussing Bitcoin anchoring. Here are the key points about Sequentia's Bitcoin anchoring mechanism:
  1. Sequentia uses a Bitcoin anchoring system to enhance security and provide a trustless bridge between the Sequentia sidechain and the Bitcoin mainchain[1].
  2. The anchoring process involves creating a commitment to the Sequentia chain state and embedding it into a Bitcoin transaction[1].
  3. This commitment is typically a hash of the latest block header or a Merkle root of recent block headers[1].
  4. The anchoring transaction is broadcast to the Bitcoin network and, once confirmed, provides a tamper-evident record of the Sequentia chain state[1].
  5. This mechanism allows users to verify the integrity of the Sequentia chain by referencing the Bitcoin blockchain, which acts as a secure and decentralized timestamp server[1].
  6. Bitcoin anchoring enhances Sequentia's security by making it computationally infeasible to alter the sidechain's history without also altering Bitcoin's blockchain[1].
  7. The frequency of anchoring can be adjusted based on security requirements and cost considerations, with more frequent anchoring providing stronger security guarantees but potentially incurring higher fees[1].
  8. Sequentia's Bitcoin anchoring system plays a crucial role in maintaining the sidechain's security and facilitating interoperability with the Bitcoin mainchain[1].
This Bitcoin anchoring mechanism is a fundamental aspect of Sequentia's architecture, ensuring the sidechain's security and maintaining a strong connection to the Bitcoin network.