Its not different. This stuff is such BS. Zestimate is often way off btw.
this territory is moderated
These lawsuits are nonsense
If you know any Real Estate agents ask them about Zestimates if you want a good laugh.
Say, "Zillow says I could get x out of my house."
They love that.
Then they actually do manual research and find its way off. Zillow has limited knowledge. I think many agents use Zillow but it is blind to a lot of things that a human can find out. Its a lot like the AI stuff. People over amplify the capabilities and think AI can do things as well as humans. Most of the time it can't. It can do them very fast and usually on a sub par level. But, that does have value. Its better than nothing.
From what I've heard from agents Zillow is a useful tool as long as you understand that it can be significantly off. It can give people a general idea.
Zillow doesn't know about the remodel job someone did in their bathroom. It doesn't know that you have a water heater that needs to be replaced or about how old your roof is.