Yes, but those are not SHA-256 ASICs.
Sure maybe it isnt exactly hashed out but considering SHA-256 is for validating data authenticity, identity, and integrity this type of security could easily be incorporated in the AI space. Areas like healthcare for example need strong encryption so while some tweaks of course would be needed it isn't going to mean the whole machine just needs to be tossed away
The SHA-256 ASICs do hashing, they don't encrypt. The energy-intensive part of AI is linear algebra, things like matrix multiplication, convolution, normalization etc. So I don't see much use for SHA-256 ASICs there.
Considering one of the top reasons for SHA-256 is data integrity right there you have a core, fundamental, and critical issue facing AI. Not to mention we don't want the facts or history of the world to be tampered with as we are starting to live in a world where the truth is hard to come by. Hashing addresses it and is a reason why putting AI data and data sets on blockchain is being explored right now.