From Bitcoin University

Video Description

In this video, I discuss Larry Fink's CNBC interview about Bitcoin, which was retweeted by both Michael Saylor and Michael Dell.
Larry Fink's interview is a carefully constructed sales pitch for Bitcoin, designating it as a "legitimate financial instrument" that can be used to hedge against monetary debasement, while also hinting that it may aid in portfolio construction by offering non-correlated returns.
Contra Larry Fink's take, I believe that Bitcoin is hope and that owning it is one of the most hopeful actions that you can take.
What people say and believe about bitcoin says more about them and where they are coming from than it does about bitcoin.
I think this even applies to Satoshi.
I agree with Larry Fink that owning Bitcoin is hopeful both for me as a person... and for my family who, after a long period, finally understand the importance of Cryptoeconomics and today my mother and my wife are also entering S.N and They stack their sats with the idea of ​​saving for the future our assets that will later be our children's...
That was actually Matthew's take on bitcoin. Fink's view was more from a technical finance perspective.
Glad you're getting your family on here, and women, no less!
Vanguard has been anti-bitcoin but their funds own MSTR
Lot of funds and asset managers hold MSTR and miner stocks