What if I still want to stay only with custodial SN wallet? Yes I could withdraw sporadically, but I do not want to attach ANY other wallet to my SN account. Contrary to many other views, I LIKE custodial account (that are not KYC). Are a great option as a decoy if you know how to use them.
I really do not understand this hate and repulsion against custodial accounts. if you know what are you doing, with small amounts, are a great option with less friction.
Self-custody is used only when you are dealing with larger amounts and in specific cases.
13 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 16 Jul
What if I still want to stay only with custodial SN wallet?
We won't have one. We'll store cowboy credits, but those can't be withdrawn.
Depending on where the Death Star is located, you should be able to use WoS or Blink for KYC-free custodial lightning.
but those can't be withdrawn.
"cowboy credits" sounds good. Don't worry... also the gold coins from WoW weren't able to withdrawn outside the WoW system but many players were trading them in private for some other "goods".