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I'm super distracted by the assassination coverage. Too many darn mysteries.
Good one! I hadn't seen that
This is 10 ten days ago. Orange is the New Black star saying "You'd take out Hitler, wouldn't you?"
I don’t remember which character she played
He is on the roof!
I figured it would go this way, because it seems like these events often do. So many incongruities.
One of my wife's favorite sayings is "Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made."
It probably won't ever all add up.
Philadelphia not National which is Enquirer lol
Kohler said he never had much interaction with Crooks, who noted would sit alone during lunch and often was targeted by other kids for the way he often wore hunting outfits or how he continued to wear a mask after COVID mask mandates ended.
“You could look at him and you would be like, 'something's a little off,’” Kohler observed.
Kohler is probably one the bullies. The other people interviewed didn't seem to be aware of him getting bullied and it's not something you'd really know so confidently unless you were part of the group doing the bullying.
Many things could've stopped this, but one of them was just humans being kinder to other humans.
A transcript from his mother at cancer conference speaking as clinical social worker: https://xcancel.com/GusQuixote/status/1812657480746340837
Looks like a police officer at 0:09 in that video: https://xcancel.com/faithdefender/status/1812670510548811853