Central Banks need a new paradigm. Don’t change the interest rates, change reserve requirements for banks.
The money supply grows in two ways: central bank buys bonds and adds to its balance sheet ie quantitative easing or banks lend money without being constrained by cash reserves.
Focus on curbing the size of new loans by increasing reserve requirements for banks. Currently it is at zero so raise it to 5 percent. Do this every 30 days until inflation is under 2 percent.
Intervention on fractional reserves and not the interest rate. Interest rates should float and be set by the market in this case the treasury yield.
13 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 13 Jul
Have you also noticed how in recent years the central banks have made money cheaper for the state through the minimum reserve, while companies bear ever higher capital costs compared to government debt?
The system is rigged
Banking is so rigid and rigged