Was wondering if this site was open to having different UIs developed but showing the back end data.
Will you provide an API? To get the data on the fly? I promise, I'm not that kind of guy I'll limit my requests, your server won't die!
@k00b do you think you could include links to reply and give sats on the the RSS feed? We could show those actions wherever we are using the RSS feed (nostr and Telegram channel). If not, just supporting a query string on posts that let you do those actions would suffice
I'm not sure I understand the RSS changes. I already link to the post where you can reply/tip.
Are you asking about being able to do this without leaving the RSS client?
Nope. Not publicly at least.
See in the SN repo on Github Issue #26.
There is rss of the front-page, but that's about it. There's also this:
ya, it could be fantastic to make a Telegram bot with LNbot with such an API.
Not a Telegram bot but we are using the RSS feed for https://t.me/stackernewslive