Huh? VeChain requires a blockchain and is used to create a blockchain for where shipments are going, when they are sent, received etc. It's whole point is being a logistics tracker on a blockchain?
Chiliz with their fan tokens and fan token voting is the same thing the whole idea is a transparent voting process which I am not sure how you do not do without it being a complete mess. When people vote in the US it isn't like their votes are made public knowledge?
Filecoin's Starling Lab project again I am not sure how you would create a replicate system without blockchain because the purpose of it is to make it tamper-proof and transparent. If someone went around trying to mess with it there would be clear signs of it and essentially taking the information and chopping it up and scattering it worldwide across data centers its a whole tracking thing I cannot think of a logical simple solution that is not blockchain. Then there has to be a payment method for these projects and the cost of it which for these their crypto serves this purpose.
Buying your way out of guilt or trouble has been around for thousands of years across cultures. People want to survive and its just genetic for self-preservation with natural selection of those who cant find a way to rid themselves of the guilt associated. No matter what industry or what is invented/created in the future buying your way out of trouble and guilt isn't going to disappear.
Why does it require a blockchain to manage logistics? Why is that optimal compared to a standard database?
Fan voting certainly doesn’t require a blockchain or a token.
Data storage definitely doesn’t require a blockchain. There are many public company’s that achieve this extremely well without a blockchain.
Sorry but you aren’t going to convince me of the multichain, everything rebuilt on the blockchain narrative. The use case for blockchain is extremely narrow and money is thus far the only proven viable use case of the many that have been tried.
All I am going to say is that if it wasn't worth it Maersk wouldn't be going back to it again for logistics. Same with DHL, Fedex, and Walmart to name a few. Even Microsoft and Amazon have been investing in blockchains with Microsoft having their own Azure chain and Amazon’s Quantum Ledger Database... obviously there is something there outside of finance or these companies wouldn't spend money here but they not only have but continue to
A private blockchain is just a shared database with a cool name.
Because enterprises want to share their databases with customers for more transparency that doesn’t assign value to 20k crypto projects or countless public blockchains that fabricate reasons to exist.
In fact the existence of private blockchains further negate the utility of things like filecoin.